How long did Velma rest her foot at home? One week.
What did she and Billy use for transportation to Neegoogwandah? What happened on their trip? Three huskies and a small Rider sled. The dogs became out of control and ran towards other dogs and got in fight.
How did Velma learn to trap? Her father's trapping book and her brother's knowledge.
What kind of tracks did Billy find? He said marten but later his mother said they were ptarmigan tracks.
Why did Billy leave? Was it for supplies? Probably not. He wasn't an outdoorsman.
What did Velma realize? If she wanted to do anything with her family's land, she would have to face the wilderness on her own.
Respond to these in your journal.
In the old days people used to travel by dog teams. How do they travel now? How has this changed the way people live?
Television changed many things in small northern communities. How do you think television has affected your community?
Velma says: “In our family we had a way of saying yes when we wanted to say no and vice versa. We didn't know how to be blunt.” Are many families like this?
Why didn't Velma want neighbours to see her leaving town?
Draw a picture of Velma's camp.
The first paragraph of the chapter is full of descriptive words. Learners use Handout 3 to help them write a descriptive paragraph about going camping or out on the land.