Why was Diane concerned for Velma? She was worried that Velma was not taking care of herself.
What happened to two of her younger brothers? They started drinking.
What did Velma start doing when she was 18? Was she a fun drunk? Drinking. No, she cried and told sad stories.
What made Velma decide to take control of her behaviour? She saw a girl her age stumbling out of a man's house with her zipper open. She knew that could happen to her.
Who did she spend her time with? Her brother Barry and sister Becky.
What did women call Velma in Gwich'in and what does it mean? Why do you think they called her this? Na'in – the outsider. They called her this because Velma was different— she was eccentric and did her own thing.
How did Barry cheer Velma up? He gave her talks about how her difference is a positive thing.
Why did Becky and Velma move out of their mom's house? Because their mom and brothers were drinking.
What happened when the city manager saw Velma haul wood? He thought she was poor and offered her a job as a police dispatcher.
What happened Velma's first night on the job? The police wouldn't respond to her calls.