If you enjoyed the book, write an advertisement for it clearly explaining why others should read it.
If you didn't enjoy the book, write explaining why and give your suggestions to improve the story.
List the main points of the novel. Write a summary of the story that will inspire others to read it.
Write a three-page essay. Choose one of the following topics:
Velma says we need a healthy balance of the old while living in the new. Elizabeth McKenzie from the Tlicho region first coined the expression “We must live like two people.” What does this mean? How can Aboriginal people do this?
Choose a character from the novel. Describe their background, life experiences, strengths and weaknesses. What did you learn from this character?
Aboriginal language and culture are intrinsically linked. “Without language, we are warm bodies without a spirit.” says Elder, Mary Lou Fox. Write an essay on the importance of keeping the language alive or reviving the language in your community. An excellent website for this topic is http://www.schoolnet.ca/aboriginal/fnesc/toc-e.html.
Look back at the history of your community. Write an essay on the changes that your community has faced in the past 50 years.
Barry and Velma had a vision to create a place for youth. Design this building and create the youth programs.
Create an HIV-AIDS awareness campaign. Design a poster for the Health Centre, a brochure with facts, and information for youth.
Create a booklet of stories from your community.