Questions: p. 28-29
  1. How does Velma describe Shamanism? A belief system that acknowledges the spirit within everything.
  2. As Velma grew up what were the two belief systems in Fort Yukon? Christianity and Shamanism.
  3. Were old beliefs taught to children? No.
  4. What did Velma get on Christmas day from the preacher's wife? A mirror, brush and comb set?
  5. Did she show her present to her dad? Why? No. Her father didn't want to take anything from anyone else.
Questions: p.30-31
  1. How did Itchoo get her name Martha? When she was baptised as an adult into the church.
  2. What did men and women do for the preacher? Men provided wood, water and food and women sewed and tanned.
  3. What was happening to nomadic life? It was coming to an end as people were drawn to the church and Fort Yukon.
Questions: p. 32-33
  1. What was Martha and David's arrangement in marriage? They raised their kids together and they had an understanding that they lived separate lives or had affairs.
  2. Did their children know about their arrangement? No.
  3. Why did Nina go to the shaman? She wanted her parents to change their behaviour.

Activity 3 – Reflection and Journal Writing