Comprehension Questions
- The comprehension questions are mostly factual and do not demand critical thinking. Comprehension questions help the instructor evaluate learners' understanding of the novel.
- The learners' answers should be similar to the answers in the instructor's guide.
Reflection and Journal Writing
- Provide learners with a journal for the novel study.
- Ask them to was least one journal piece for each chapter.
- Encourage them to share their writing with others in the class.
- Give learners a guide for journal writing that they can follow for each entry.
Discussion and Extended Activities
- The discussion questions and activities ask learners to think critically and relate the novel to their own lives
- Have learners work in pairs or small groups to respond to discussion questions.
- Ask learners to share their opinions.
- Set-up a debate and have groups defend opposing points of view.
- Use discression, some questions may be personal or sensitive to your learners.
- Use extended activities to broaden learners' understanding of the chapter and topics presented in the chapter.
Epilogue and Review
- Questions
- Essay questions
- Group projects