Questions: p.52-53
- Where did Mary live? Why? At the orphanage because of a serious illness.
- Why was it hard for the other children when Mary visited? Because Mary was given special treatment by her parents and the others took the blame for what Mary did. Mary looked down on them.
Questions: p.54-55
- Where did children learn about Santa Claus, Easter Bunny and Christopher Columbus? At school.
- What did Velma's mom and other children do to pass their days? Play and hunt for small game along the lakes. Older children would pick berries, check snares and traps with their mothers.
Questions: p.56-57
- There is an old Gwich'in belief that before people leave this world, sometimes strange things happen. Give examples (p.56) Snowy white owls would come to tell a person that his time was near, people saw visions, or heard music.
- What happened to Hannah and what did Mae realize? Both Hannah and Mae heard music when they were picking berries. Then Hannah hung her head. When Mae asked her what was wrong she wouldn't say. When Mae mentioned it to her grandmother Maggie, she has a knowing look but shielded her emotions. Mae realized that older people had beliefs that had become taboo. Then Hannah died in childbirth.
Activity 4 – Reflection and Journal Writing
Respond to these in your journal.
- What would you say to Hannah about her behaviour if you were her friend? Write Hannah a letter.
- Describe life in Chalkyitsik.