Questions: p.88-89
  1. On page 89 Velma is faced with a decision. Which side does she choose? The half-breed boys. The three big boys who were beating up one small boy.

  2. How did her actions affect her now? She cannot snare rabbits for food without thinking of that boy's eyes and how he looked like a rabbit before it's being choked.

Questions: p.90-91
  1. What were children learning from the adults? To be racist or prejudiced. To hate Natives.

  2. What happened to the bully? He died from an alcoholic-related illness.

Questions: p.92-93
  1. Describe Velma's bad experiences in grade one and two. How was grade three different? She was punished for not following the rules or behaving differently. In grade three her individuality was encouraged.

  2. What is Velma's only memory of being protected? When her sister Clara went after the older guy who stole her candy.

Activity 3 – Reflection and Journal Writing

Respond in your journal.