This Old Man

This old man, he plays 1,
He plays knick-knack on my thumb.
With a knick-knack paddy-whack, give the dog a bone,
This old man goes rolling home.

Knock on the place mentioned in each verse, when
you say “knick-knack” on the third line, knock,
then clap for “paddy-whack,” and
pretend to give the dog a bone.

On the last line, roll your forearms
around each other

This old man, he plays 2,
He plays knick-knack on my shoe.
With a knick-knack paddy-whack, give the dog a bone,
This old man goes rolling home.

This old man, he plays 3,
He plays knick-knack on my knee.
With a knick-knack paddy-whack, give the dog a bone,
This old man goes rolling home.

This old man, he plays 4,
He plays knick-knack on my floor.
With a knick-knack paddy-whack, give the dog a bone,
This old man goes rolling home.

This old man, he plays 5,
He plays knick-knack while he does a dive.
With a knick-knack paddy-whack, give the dog a bone,
This old man goes rolling home.