Sidewalk Chalk
Don’t pour plaster down the sink or toilet! It will plug the pipes!
To make about 4 pieces of chalk, you’ll need:
2 cups water
2 cups plaster of Paris
2 tablespoons tempera paint (wet or dry)
paper tubes for wrapping coins (widest available)
duct tape
Mix the plaster, water, and paint in a paper cup or plastic bag. Let it sit for 2 or 3 minutes.
Cover 1 end of each coin tube with duct tape.
Pour the plaster mix into the tubes. If you’ve mixed it in a plastic bag, cut off one corner of the bag and pour from the corner. Let the chalk stand until hard. Peel off the wrappers and let the chalk dry for a few hours.
Throw out dried plaster, stir sticks, cups, etc.
Working with plaster of Paris: Use a new cup or bag and stir stick every time. If you get bits of hard plaster into a new batch, it will harden very quickly and you will not be able to pour the chalk. NEVER POUR PLASTER INTO SINKS OR TOILETS. It will harden and block the pipes.