Activity 29

No Way!

This game helps kids count and learn to read numbers, and to bluff and notice when someone else is bluffing. It is lots of fun. It has many other names—“I doubt it!”
“Cheat,” “Bull****.”

Use 1 deck of cards. Take the jokers out. With very young kids, take the face cards out of the deck, and just use the ace to 10 cards. If you have more than 5 players, use 2 decks of cards.

The winner is the first person who gets rid of all his cards.

Shuffle the cards and deal them all out. It doesn’t matter if some players have 1 more card than others.

The first player takes some cards from his hand and puts them in the middle of the table, face down, and calls aces. If he puts down 1 card, he says, “One ace.” If he puts down 2 cards, he says, “Two aces.” If he puts down 3 cards, he says, “Three aces” or, if he puts down 4 cards, he says, “Four aces.” He can play whatever cards he likes, but he has to say they are aces.

The next player takes some cards from his hand and puts them on the table, face down and calls 2’s. If he puts down 1 card, he says “One 2.” If he puts down 2 cards, he says, “Two 2’s.” If he puts down 3 cards, he says, “Three 2’s” or, if he puts down 4 cards, he says, “Four 2’s.” He can play whatever cards he likes, but he has to say they are 2’s.

The next player takes some cards from his hand and puts them on the table, face down. If he puts down 1 card, he says “One 3.” If he puts down 2 cards, he says,“Two 3’s.” If he puts down 3 cards, he says, “Three 3’s,” or, if he puts down 4 cards, he says, “Four 3’s.” He can play whatever cards he likes, but he has to say they are 3’s.

The next player does the same thing, saying “5’s.” The next player says “6’s” and so
on. When you get to kings, the next player starts again with aces.

You don’t have to play the cards you say you are playing. You can try to bluff whenever you want to, and sometimes you have to bluff. You have to put down at least 1 card, and you can put down any number of cards. You are trying to be the first to get rid of all your cards. It may be your turn to say “7’s,” but you might put down two 5’s and a king, and say “three 7’s.”