Activity 36

Addition Facts: Hidden Doubles

When your child can double all the numbers up to 12, that knowledge can help him learn more addition facts easily. You will need 24 counters for this activity. You could use pennies or macaroni or dice or little cars or anything else for counters.

  • Use the counters to set up this question for your child: 3 + 5 = ____.
    10 coins

  • Move 1 of the counters over from the bigger group to the smaller group
    1 + 9 = 10 coins
Suddenly, the size of each group is the same, and your child knows the answer because he knows that 4 + 4 = 8. The double was hidden until you moved 1 counter over from the bigger to the smaller group.
  • Use the counters to set up another hidden double for your child: 5 + 7 = ____
    2 + 8 = 10 coins

  • Move 1 of the counters over from the bigger group to the smaller group.
    3 + 7 = 10 coins

Suddenly, the size of each group is the same, and your child knows the answer because he knows that 6 + 6 = 12. The double was hidden until you moved 1 counter over from the bigger to the smaller group.