The game can be used by kids with a range of adding and subtracting skills. The
most important thing is to make it fun. Kids can play at a less skillful level by
counting out their turns, while parents can model higher level skills by thinking out
loud as they take their turn. When the kids are ready, they’ll start to use the skills
that their parents model.
This game depends totally on luck, with no strategy involved. This means that little
kids have as much chance of winning as bigger kids or parents.
- Copy the game board on the next page onto heavy cardboard.
- You will need 1 dice for the easy versions, 2 for the harder versions, and a game
piece for each player (could be a coin or a button or anything that will fit on the
- Play: Throw the dice to see who goes first. The player with the highest number
starts. The first player throws 1 dice, and moves his game piece forward the
number of squares thrown. The next person takes a turn and does the same. The
first person to get past 100 wins the game.