One More Bunny: Adding from One to Ten by Rick Walton. Harper Festival, 2001.
Addition facts 1 to 10.
Sir Cumference and the Great Knight of Angleland: A Math Adventure by Cindy
Charlesbrige, 2001. A boy goes on a quest and uses angles to find his way through the forest and into
the dungeon. There are other math
adventures with Sir Cumference by the same author.
Slumber Party Problem Solving by Brian Sargent. Children’s Press, 2006. A young
girl gets ready for a sleep-over
by figuring out how many sleeping bags, stuffed toys, pizza, etc. she’ll need for herself and 3 guests.
Subtracting and Taking Away by Richard Leffingwell. Heinemann Library, 2006.
The Sundae Scoop by Stuart J. Murphy. Harper Collins, 2003. Possible combinations of ice cream, sauce and
Ten Times Better by Richard Michelson. Marshall Cavendish, 2000. Numbers 1 to 10 each multiplied by 10 as
animals vie to be bigger and better.
Too Many Kangaroo Things to Do by Stuart J. Murphy. Harper Collins, 1996.
Australian animals throw a birthday
party for the kangaroo. Introduces the 1, 2, 3, and 4 times tables up to 4 × 4.