Next, the “Sample Brochure for Caseworkers” Appendix 4 is sent to all possible referral partners. You will add your own logos to this template as well as your information, or change it altogether. We have included this brochure so that you have an idea of what we use for promotion. We also have a brochure for participants with the necessary information. We leave this at all of the sites. We make sure that this is sent to sites 1 – 2 months before the classes begin.

The “Sample Cheque Insert for OW Clients” Appendix 5, is what we include in all the OW clients cheques. We send this out 1 – 2 months before the classes begin. We have found that this is our best form of advertisement!

Next, the “Sample Outreach Plan,” Appendix 6 is included so that you have an idea of how to promote your GSL program. This is to be used as a guideline.

The next appendices, “Release of Information Form,” and “Caseworker Form,” are to be completed at the first class. The “Caseworker Form” is sent to the caseworker so that they know the parent is enrolled in the GSL classes. It also provides information on which of their clients requires bus tickets. The “Release of Information Form” is used to give the facilitator the “okay” to share information regarding attendance and bus ticket use with caseworkers.

The next two appendices are used for internal documentation. The “Bus Tickets Form” is used to track which families used bus tickets each class. These tallies are kept and reported on in the final report. The “Attendance Sheet” is used to track attendance for the participants. It is our practice to phone all participants before the first class begins in order to remind them about the class. Also, if a participant misses a class, we phone them to find out the reason for their non-attendance. This lets them know that we care about them and often encourages them to come back to class.

Finally, the last appendix, “Certificate of Participation” is given to all families at the end of the course. We list the children first, and then the parents name. You can include whatever information you want on the “Certificate of Participation.” The most important thing to remember is to spell each persons’ name correctly.