Appendix 1
Sample Job Posting: Get Set Learn Family Literacy
Coordinator and Facilitator
To coordinate, facilitate, and evaluate various program delivery locations of the Get Set Learn
family literacy program for parents receiving Ontario Works.
Tasks and Responsibilities: Coordination, Preparation, and Outreach:
- Coordinate all aspects of the program including recruitment of participants, lesson and
activity planning, materials preparation, evaluation design and reporting
- Research, gather and assemble all materials for program delivery
- Develop outreach materials for the program for distribution to staff at social services and
other community agencies
- Work in cooperation with social services staff to solicit OW client referrals from caseworkers
- Distribute public service announcements and media releases as needed
- Participate in outreach activities and public events as needed to attract participants
Facilitation, Assessment and Evaluation:
- Develop and facilitate family literacy lesson plans for an 8 week program twice weekly
based on Get Set Learn Curriculum provided
- Develop at home learning assignments for parents and children to work on in-between
sessions based on Get Set Learn Curriculum provided
- Implement pre and post assessments to document learning progress of participants
- Implement program evaluation tools including feedback from all key stakeholders
including host sites, caseworkers, child care workers, participants, others
- Prepare and distribute final program report outlining all findings and results including any
future program delivery recommendations