Appendix 7

Caseworker Evaluation for Get Set Learn

Caseworker’s Name: (this will be kept confifidential)



1. How did you find out about the Get Set Learn Program?
  • Brochure
  • Telephone call
  • Caseworker meeting
  • Other: please explain
2. Did you receive enough information about the program?
  • Yes
  • No please explain
3. Did you refer any clients?
  • Yes
  • No
  • No my client phoned on own
4.If yes, was it difficult to refer them?
  • Yes (please explain how it could have been made easier)
  • No
5. Did you receive the faxes including the initial and summative fax? (In 2004, the surveyed caseworkers said to send only initial and summary faxes)
  • Yes
  • No
6. Did you receive any feedback from your clients about the program? If yes please detail.
  • Yes
  • No

7. Have you noticed any changes in these clients? Please explain.

8. Would you recommend this program be offered again?
  • Yes
  • No

9. Do you have any additional comments?.