Get Set Learn Parent Evaluation (based on Observation)
Name: Facilitator: Goal: Parent Intake Form |
Date: |
Noted Improvement in Following Areas | Yes |
Knowledge | |
Understands how bathtub play can be linked to literacy | |
Understands number sense | |
Knows routines of class | |
Knows GSL 3 Key messages | |
Knows the basics of reading to children | |
Knows how to use all 5 senses to describe/identify an object | |
Knows new fingerplays and songs | |
Knows how to choose an appropriate book | |
Knows importance of routine for child’s learning | |
Knows how to use observation to compare and contrast objects | |
Knows the developmental stages of reading and language | |
Knows what literacy play is and its importance to child’s learning | |
Knows how literacy-rich the kitchen is | |
Knows and understands the term Media Literacy | |
Knows their own multiple intelligences and those of their child | |
Knows what a learning disability is | |
Knows their learning style | |
Knows what SMART goals are | |
Knows about health literacy | |
Knows about financial literacy | |
Knows 5 math strands | |
Knows that all things in the environment can be used for literacy purposes | |
Skills | |
Demonstrates self-management skills (time management, prepared with appropriate materials etc…) | |
Able to link activities to specific math strand | |
Able to create more literacy-rich games | |
Able to teach to child’s learning style | |
Able to teach to child’s multiple intelligences | |
Able to communicate with facilitator, peers and child care providers |