Look Who’s Talking at
the Zoo!
Tepper, Danny Picture Book/ Flap
Panda Bear Panda Bear What Do You See? Martin Jr., Bill Board Book/12.95 Unknown
Perfect Pets Unknown Sensory Board
Wild Bears Simon, Seymour Non Fiction/19.95 0439664063
Baby Animals Mirror Book   Board Book/12.99 1904952968
Snug as a Big Red Bug Edwards, Frank Easy Reader/7.95 1894323009
My First Animals – Pets Unknown Cloth/Fabric Book/9.95 0312494300
My Puppy Book Boynton, Sandra Cloth/Fabric Book/9.95 9781416908449
Farmyard Friends Unknown Magnet Book/9.95 2764301472
Ten Little Rubber Ducks Carle, Eric Picture Book/25.99 0060740752
When I Grow Up – Learning About Animals Unknown Puzzle Book/12.95 1575842726

Please note that all costs are in Canadian dollars.


  1. Animal Shapes. Foam animal shapes are glued on paper

  2. Flap Book. Families create a Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear flap book. ( Appendix 14 ) They are given the template and are instructed to colour the 4 pieces and assemble the book. (book making teaches children that words are meaningful and that their words and pictures are important). You can supply them with construction paper to create the flaps with.

  3. Lace Teddy Bears. Families lace Teddy Bears to improve hand/eye coordination. You can use one of the bears off the Teddy Bear template and enlarge it. (Appendix 15 ) Then punch holes in it. Provide the families with string or yarn for lacing.

  4. Paper Bag Animal Puppets. Families create paper bag puppet animals from paper bag using markers, crayons, paint, stickers, whatever they choose. They draw a face or entire animal on the paper bag. When completed, they put their entire hand into the paper bag and can do imaginary play with it.

  5. Cat Template. Instruct the children to colour the cat template. ( Appendix 7 )