Flash Cards---Numbers 0-25 match- me Matching, counting, number/word recognition, memory 6.99
Flash Cards— addition and subtraction 0-12 math operations, 6.99
Flash Cards—Money match-me
x 2
number/money recognition, counting, memory 6.99
Flash Cards –Telling Time match –me x2 digital/analogue time matching, number recognition, fractions, memory 6.99 x2
Clock Template Crds –create your own flash cards (Classroom Accents) hand-eye coordination, pre- writing, memory 5.50
Bingo 0-20 matching, number recognition, memory, patterning, 12.99
Magnetic Number square matching, number recognition, patterning, math operations, hand-eye coordination 10.99
Telling Time puzzle game Masterpieces Learning Games # 10209 analogue/digital time recognition and matching, sequencing, shape orientation, hand-eye coordination, problem solving 13.95
Dominoes large and small number matching, number spot patterning, equencing,
hand-eye coordination
Playing cards x 2 matching, number spot pattering, memory, sequencing, number recognition 1.99 x2
Inflatable number beach-ball 0-30 x2 number and word matching and recognition, hand-eye coordination, 1.99 x2
Basket with measuring jug, spoons and tape Bag of rice volume and unit recognition, hand-eye coordination, estimation 10.00
Bag of buttons patterning, sequencing, matching, sorting, shape recognition, counting, fine motor control 9.99
Number Bingo bag and foam blocks number recognition, patterning, matching, and- eye coordination 9.99
Coat hange/clothes peg balance scale weight measurement, estimation, ratios, and-eye coordination 5.00

Please note that all costs are in Canadian dollars.