Please note that the majority of Essential Skills used in the GSL classes are in level 1. The majority of “Parent Book” activities are a level 2 for “Reading Text” however, the facilitator ensures that all parents understand the tasks needed for completion of homework, before they leave the GSL class so it could be argued that these fall between a level 1 and 2. In class 1, when the parents are asked to complete all of the necessary paper work for GSL participation, the Essential Skill level is level 2, Document Use. Again it could be argued that this may fall to a level 1, Document Use since the facilitator is there for comprehension and support. The numeracy activities done in class also fall within levels 1 and 2. As the parents progress through classes 1 through 16, some of the homework will require use of more than one Essential Skill which increases level complexity. This is why it is so important that the facilitator ensures that all parents understand what needs to be done before they leave the class.

For more information on Essential Skills, please refer to:

In most GSL classes, many of the ES are used by parents. Some of the essential skills are used by the children as well. In this version of the GSL curriculum, computer use, one of the nine essential skills has not been used however, we are working on a GSL Part 2 which will incorporate computer use into that curriculum. The GSL Part 2 curriculum will primarily focus on computer use, in addition to strengthening the other Essential Skills.