Opening Routine
- Hello song
- ABC song
- Make nametags for children
PACT Math Activity
- Do you have a bear at home? Have families place a sticker on the chart. Then review and talk about these terms: “more,
less, how many, same” This focuses on number sense, one of the 5 math strands in the Ontario curriculum. Graphs often
involve more than one strand of math and help us to recognize information that isn’t always obvious. As well as organizing
data, graphs develop number concepts and measurement skills.
Story Time
- Chicka Chicka Boom Boom if using ABC kit
PACT Literacy Activity
- What’s My Name?
- Distribute piece of coloured paper with the first letter of the child’s name written on it as large as possible and have
families apply stickers to or around that letter. Discuss how children usually recognize and learn the first initial of their first
Closing Routine
- Show craft – Alphabet Soup (see Kit Section D for explanation) and assign the number 1 to children for homework.
Remind parents to bring the craft back to the next class. Also to bring a picture of their families.
- Repeat the message “Read with child daily”
- Sing “Goodbye Song” (Parent Book, page 6)