Literacy Activity
Read literacy checklist as a group (p.12 in parent book)
How to choose a book for your child (have them refer to page 13 and 14 in parent book)
People often think that because a book is in print, it must be a good book but that isn’t always true. Even if it is a great book, it
doesn’t mean that the book will suit your child. Here are some tips for choosing a book for your child.
- Choose a book that suits the age and interests of the child
- Choose a book that is easy to read and fun to look at. Consider the size of print, layout and illustrations.
- Let your child pick the book
- Think about what your child is interested in. Find books about things he or she likes
- If a child really enjoys a book, look for more books written by the same author.
Some general guidelines:
- Ask at the library or a bookstore. Be sure to mention your child’s age. Mention used bookstores
- Ask family and friends for suggestions
- Is there a book that your child loves? Try other books by the same author in the same series
- Does your child have a special interest? Look for books about that. Maybe teddy bears or dinosaurs or trucks
- Look for big print books without too many words on a page
- Look for colourful pictures that tell about the story
- Look for stories which repeat key words or phrases. Invite child to read along
- Read a favourite book again and again
- Make your own book. Use family photos or pictures from magazines. Draw pictures. Paste buttons, flowers and other items on
the pages