Lesson Plan Background, Theories and Activities


Music Literacy (Singing, Playing Instruments) and its Benefifits

  • Singing is beneficial because it increases intellectual development. Children learn basic concepts through song lyrics; also enhances creativity by helping children to recognize patterns, identify rhyming words
  • Provides opportunities to develop physical skills and allows them to release energy through clapping, snapping, stomping, swaying
  • Enhances perceptual awareness – (sense of spatial relationship and awareness increases)
  • Develops language and vocabulary
  • Increases cultural awareness
  • Gives opportunities to practice social skills. It builds self-esteem while teaching them to be a contributing member of a group – (teamwork skills.) Singing makes us feel good and when we feel good our body releases endorphins into our system that will help boost our memory. Singing also requires that we take in additional oxygen, which increases our alertness. Singing is a great activity for enhancing brain functions. (Schiller and Moore, 2004).


Math Activity

  • Rhythm(Math Strand is “Patterning and Agebra”) Repeat patterns. Base 10 Blocks to create patterns for parents and children to identify (what are some of the patterns in everyday life)
  • Ask the parents to identify the patterns in a book (words, pictures, etc.)


Literacy Activity

  • Child’s Favourite Things to Do (Parent Book)



  • Bring a unique game to discuss in class next time
  • Discuss craft (Creating a musical instrument) and assign the number 6 in the child book

