Lesson Plan Background, Theories and Activities

These are just some of the differences that exist between the left and right hemispheres, but you can see a pattern. Left-brained strategies are the ones used most often in the classroom, therefore, right-brained students sometimes feel inadequate. However, if the learner can be flexible and adapt material to both sides of their brain it would increase balance and the number of strategies used to learn and thereby, increase understanding.

Is your Child a Picky Eater?

It is important that children develop healthy eating habits early in life.

Strategies include:

  • Schedule regular meal and snack times. Avoid feeding your child in between these times so that they are hungry at snack and meal times.
  • Limit juice and milk between meals. Offer water between meals.
  • Respect tiny tummies. Keep portion sizes small. Your child may not try a bit if the portion looks too big. You can always give seconds.
  • Make every bite count. Serve nutrient dense foods such as peanut butter, cheese, chicken, eggs, and yogurt.
  • Don’t be a short order cook. Serve one meal for everyone but offer at least one food at every meal that your child likes.

As long as your child is growing and developing normally, a relaxed approach to food is the best way to cope with you child’s eating behaviours.