Lesson Plan 10 – Learning the Math Strands


2 – parents become work or education ready 3 – engage in literacy and math activities 4 – children and parents become school ready 8 – parents advocate for self and child
K - Parents understand the 5 Ontario Curriculum Math Strands
S - Parents can identify which activities correspond to which math strand
A - Parents feel that math is fun!

Lesson Plan Background, Theories and Activities
Special notes and/or


Opening Activity

  • Welcome and introductions
  • I Remember. Retell a favourite summer memory either as a child or adult and tell why it was so special



  • Review Kitchen literacy
  • Key message #2 – Literacy Play


Introduce Topics
How to Enjoy Math with your Child, Learning the 5 Math Strands

Why is it important for your child to learn math? How can we make math fun? How do we make math part of daily life?

It is important for your child to learn math because it is part of and involved with a lot of things in daily life such as budgeting, measuring for cooking, figuring out medication amounts when someone is sick, estimating the time it takes to get from one place to another, etc.


Making Math fun and part of every day life

  • Be positive about math
  • Show confidence in your child’s ability to succeed in math
  • Children develop a love of math in the same ways that they develop a love of reading (by sharing books with parents)
  • Let your child know that you think math is important and fun
  • Help your child make connections between school math and every day life
  • Build on the math skills your child already has


Essential Skills

Reading text
Document use
Oral Communication
Working with Others
Thinking Skills
Computer Use (if parents check suggested websites)

You may find that at this point, the opening activities are unnecessary as your group is quite comfortable with each other. If so, begin with the review.