- Cereal Scrabble – to be done with child found in Parent Book
- Clock Craft (Section D, Appendix 6 for explanation)
Opening Routine
- Hello song
- ABC song
- Homework share
PACT Math Activity
- Have parents do the measurement activity with their children (found in Parent Book)
- Compare how the children have estimated; did they get closer in their estimations with practice?
- Allow the families to measure objects in the kit
Story Time
One Bear, One Dog
PACT Literacy Activity
- Explore all of the toys and books in the kit
- Make a list of your child’s favourite toys and state why she likes them.
This will give a clue as to what types of books and toys you should have at home or borrow from the library.
Closing Routine
- Assign Craft (Clock activity –What is your favourite time (Appendix 6, Section D). Children are to be helped to place the
hands of the clock on their favourite time of the day and say why it is their favorite time. E.g. bedtime, snack time)
and assign the number 10 to children
- Goodbye song