Literacy Activity
- Have the parents read along with the parent handout(How are You Smart?) and place themselves on three of the multiple
intelligences. Then have them share with each other what intelligences they have and provide an example. This exercise is
done so that the parents can figure out how they are smart.
- Have them figure out what 3 multiple intelligences their children have. It will be interesting to then compare how the parent
is smart compared to their child.
- Have the parents discuss how they think this will play out at home regarding discipline, communication, ways of learning, etc.
Will your parents understand themselves better now that they have done this exercise? Will they understand their children
better now too?
- What book or toy do they think that their child will pick? Why? (Relate this to multiple intelligences. e.g. child who is math
smart may pick the number book.)
- If time permits, have parents create a list of problems/issues that arise at home. Now have them problem-solve, knowing their
smarts and their child’s smarts. Will they parent differently now that they know their child’s smarts (and perhaps weaknesses
- Discuss craft. Give each child coloured construction paper and have them create a balloon mobile. Provide straws and
string as well.
- Assign the number 12 in the child book.
- Parents are to record the 10 activities that their child asked to play over the next couple of days and share during next class
for homework.