Lesson Plan Background, Theories and Activities

Learning Disabilities
There are many different kinds of learning disabilities, each one affecting learning in a different way. A learning disability is a neurological disorder with which individuals are born that exists throughout their life.

The first step is to find out if your child actually has a learning disability. Talk to your child’s teacher and express your concerns. Be specific about what you have observed. What has the teacher observed? If your child is not yet in school, talk to professionals at the early years centre or day care centre. Sometimes there is another agency to refer them, if the child is under school age. Speak to your family doctor. Emphasize that it can be a very long process to have a child diagnosed through the public and separate boards (up to 3 years). If there is any suspicion, act immediately. Have the parents refer to the Learning Disabilities checklist in the parent book when you present this information.

Literacy Activity

  • Work with another parent and write down 5 questions you would ask your child’s teacher (brainstorm).
  • If you have another child already in school, is there anything troubling you now? What help would you like?


  • Discuss craft. Provide animal for children to colour – colour the animal. (Section C) and assign number 14 in the child book.
  • Create a learning portfolio for your child. A portfolio is a collection of child’s work, kept over time. Bring what you have right now. Some suggestions are to have each parent bring one or two favourite things in or ask the parent to ask their child to pick a favourite piece of work to share.
  • Have parents review the Learning Disabilities Handout in their parent book for homework.
