The financial contribution of the Adult Learning, Literacy and Essential Skills Program (ALLESP) is gratefully acknowledged for without their support, this curriculum would not have been formalized.
First, and foremost I would like to thank and acknowledge my co-facilitators in Get Set Learn (GSL) for without them this manual would not have had any basis. They are:
Both Laura and Lisa believed in this curriculum when it was only 20 pages of bulleted notes and one general kit. They were able to facilitate Get Set Learn classes using my outlines and visions, adding their own information and templates, and made the classes their own. When funding was received to formalize the curriculum, both wholeheartedly began the creative planning and writing process with me, directing me toward something that would make sense for family literacy practitioners.
Other previous GSL instructors have included:
Next, the content readers of this project provided great insights and grounding. They were invaluable in sharing their expertise and guidance. They include:
I would also like to acknowledge the pilot test sites staff who have always welcomed Get Set Learn (GSL) facilitators and provided the background support for the program to run. They believed in GSL before it was formalized. These sites include:
Thanks also goes to the previous sites who have hosted Get Set Learn including: