Home Literacy Environment Checklist

Is your home literacy-friendly? You are your child’s first teacher. Your home is where your child will get his or her first experiences with books and reading. Look around your home and think about what you do with your child. If the statement on the checklist is true, place a check in the true column. If the statement is false, place a check in the false column. Don’t worry if you don’t have a lot of these items in your home. We will discuss this as a group and find ways for you to make or find some of these items.

What my child has access to…. True False
My child has at least one alphabet book
My child has alphabet letters to play with
My child has crayons and pencils available
My child has paper available
My child has at least one rhyme book
My child has a picture book
My child has a library card (or I have a card)
My child has materials and games to help learn the alphabet
What I or another adult do….    
Read a picture book with my child once per week
Read a picture book four times a week
Teach new words to my child every day
Have a detailed conversation with my child once per week
    (e.g. How do you think ice cream is made?)
Have a detailed conversation every day
Help my child learn nursery rhymes
Encourage my child to tell me what he or she wants using a complete sentence
Take my child to the library regularly