Math Strand Examples
Number Sense
- Recognition and counting
- Add, subtract, multiply and divide
- Most common math skill
- Singing number songs like “5 little speckled frogs”
- Playing dominoes with spots and numbers or rolling dice
- Counting real objects makes numbers more concrete
- Creating a unit of measurement using your own body, pieces of toilet
paper or a measuring tape
- Comparing the size of objects
- Comparing packages of food and the measurements on packages
- Using words like “more than,” “less than,” “big,” “bigger,” “thinner”
“thicker,” taller” “shorter,” “lighter,” “heavier,” “faster,” “slower,”
Geometry and Spatial Sense
- Understanding shapes, maps, construction
- Recognizing shapes in real objects (circle clock, triangle bridge,
square house, traffic cone)
- Using words like “over, under, in, on beside, high, low,
between” to help children find a hidden object