Factors that Affect Learning



Personality, independence, temper, self-motivation, self-esteem, determination, affectionate, reserved, out-going etc…

Emotional intelligence is hardwired in the brain.
It starts early; before birth

What can a Parent do?

You can help shape your child’s emotion even though they are born with own temperament and personality

Discussion topics

Emotional INTELLIGENCE has more influence on learning than IQ

  • Self control
  • Persistence
  • Self-motivation
  • Empathy

Stress either adds or takes away from model behaviour

Self Esteem allows one to be capable and in control




Anything that affects the brain, question and answer experience, small stimuli, thinking

What can a Parent do?

  • Provide a variety of experiences and fun activities

Discussion topics

  • Body, mind, emotion
  • Long & short term memory
  • Learning styles
  • Multiple intelligences
  • Most learning is “hidden” and unconscious