How Much is it?
To introduce money and prices.
- To recognize Canadian coins and their values.
- To request information about money and prices.
- To respond to questions about money and prices.
- To introduce basic numeracy concepts.
- When possible, use real coins and bills. Plastic
Canadian money is available at educational
resource stores.
- Flyers are a good source for practicing reading
- It is important for learners to feel comfortable
with numbers 1-100 before learning prices.
- Collect the price tags from articles you buy.
- Go to a store and practice reading prices.
- Money stamps and money Bingo are available at
educational resource stores.
- When practicing to count and add, it is useful to
use the 1-100 number paper on page 2.7
- Introduce learners to the different ways to write
prices ($.05, 5¢)
- Have a variety of coins. Ask learners to match 10
pennies with a dime, two nickels with a dime, two
dimes and a nickel with a quarter, etc.
- Instructors say a price and ask learners to write it.
Increase difficulty as learner is ready.
- Have combinations of real coins or pictures of
coins and ask learners to write the total values.
- Pre-teach is/are. Practice asking and responding to
the question "How much is/are
?" using real
items belonging to the learners.
- Collect a variety of price tags. Say a price and
learners choose the correct one. Discussion can
follow as to possibilities of what item the tag came
- Make a prices Bingo. Copy the blank Bingo card
from this kit and write prices in the blanks.
- Make money Bingo. Copy the blank Bingo card
from this kit and put pictures or stamp of coins in
the blanks.
- Role-play buying items and practice giving change.
- Practice giving change. Learner has $10 bill and
buys something from the flyer; another learner
gives the appropriate change.