Harbours to Highlands A Geography Manual
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Look on the map and find the Cordillera. It is located in British Columbia, Alberta, the Yukon and Northwest Territories.

The Cordillera is an area filled with mountains.graphic - drawing of a plain and a plateau Canada's tallest mountains are found here. The Cordillera also has coastal islands, valleys, plateaus, and lowlands. The valleys and plateaus are usually between the mountains. Plateaus are raised plains.

Most people live in the southern plateau and southern lowlands. The southern lowlands are in the Vancouver area.

There are many rivers and lakes in the Cordillera. The Cordillera is mainly located next to the Pacific Ocean.

Have you heard of the Okanagan area? It is a southern plateau in BC. It has rich soils and a hot climate. Lots of fruits, vegetables, and herbs are grown here. Find the Okanagan area on a map.

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