Harbours to Highlands A Geography Manual
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"Physical Regions of Canada"
Comprehension Exercise

For each of the statements, write the letter of the correct region it is describing. The first one is done for you.

A. Cordillera B. Interior Plains C. North D. Canadian Shield E. Great Lakes-St. Lawrence Lowlands F. Appalachian Highlands

1. It is the smallest region. E____
2. It is a region filled with mountains. _____
3. Most of this region is flat land. _____
4. The land is always frozen in this region. _____
5. This region was a mountain range later eroded by glacial ice. _____
6. This region has the Interior Plains to the west of it. _____
7. The Okanagan area is located in this region. _____
8. This region is dry so most cities are located near a water source. _____
9. This region has some days of the year when the sun does not set and some days when the sun does not rise. _____
10. In the southern part of this region, the coniferous forests are dense and the trees are large. _____
11. People have been fishing in this region since 1497. _____
12. Some of the best farmlands in Canada are in this region. _____
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