Annie Nolan was born in Mt. Carmel, St. Mary's Bay. She has lived there all her life. She taught school at Our Lady of Mt. Carmel School for 16 years and then became postmistress for 17 years. She tells an interesting story about her first trip across the Island to attend summer School.

Annie (Power)
Age: 79


I finished my grade eleven in 1942. I didn't go to University. Intending to teach school, I was informed that all teachers from the East Coast (of the Province) had to go to Summer School at Petries on the West Coast and those on the West Coast had to come east.

This was a bit of a surprise! When the time came, I had to go to Holyrood to catch the train on its way to Petries, just outside of Corner Brook. I didn't meet one person I knew going my way. I was very lonely – this being my first time away from home. I didn't sleep at all on the train.

However, I arrived at Petries, the place where our summer sessions would be held. No one here or there to take you anywhere. Not too far from where I got off the train, I saw a Church. At least, I said to myself, I can go to Mass. It was a bit early and the Church wasn't even open. I dollied around for a while and soon heard a Church bell ring. Mass was being held at 9:00 o'clock. Being so tired and sleepy, I slept through most of the service.

However, Mass being over, I finally realized I was in Church. I followed the flow – still unaware of what was yet to come. Now I had to go and visit the Supervisor who was to give the Summer School courses at Petries. It was time for me to visit my boarding mistress who was on her way to Church. Her daughter, who was with her, guided me back to their house. When we arrived at the house, there were three girls waiting to meet the lady of the house. After a short while, we settled in, and sure enough I fell asleep and didn't know what was going on. In the meantime, the lady of the house arrived and being just about lunch time, there was no way anyone could bring me to my senses. Not making any move whatsoever, those around were becoming worried I was sick. Did something happen to me? I finally made a move, jumped up and made my way to the dining room. Of course, lunch was just about finished. What a surprise! Everyone was so delighted I was moving around, especially the lady of the house. "Oh, thank God", she said.

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