Oral histories are being used to achieve goals of higher literacy standards in many Newfoundland and Labrador communities. Recording history provides an identity for people within their historical and current life contexts. The St. Mary's Bay area is full of history, but like most rural Newfoundland and Labrador communities, the number of seniors continues to decrease. Each time we lose elderly residents, a special part of our local, historical mosaic goes with them.

How often have we noted the particular storytelling or musical abilities of seniors or marvelled at their memories and abilities to recollect events from their childhood. We often hear the phrase, "someone should record that song or write down that story or it's going to be lost forever." This oral history book evolved from the desire to do just that – to preserve those remembrances, to create a book of stories that provides a connection between the past, the present and the future. The past has shaped the present and will design the future. We occasionally need to pause and replay past events to realize that our greatest wealth may well be discovered simply by looking behind us.

This book offers us an opportunity to embrace the living voices of our parents and grandparents as they tell their stories. It is hoped that these stories, which are personal accounts and remembrances, will be read and cherished by children and grandchildren of future generations.

This oral history book will provide a different literacy category that can promote a greater community involvement in literacy development. To meet our literacy objectives, learners/interviewers and seniors worked closely together through many drafting and editing processes. The final version is an easy-to-read book suitable for adult literacy programs.

We have at all times tried to preserve the storyteller's own words. Changes have been made to enhance clarity and understanding. Facts, dates, etc. have not been challenged, but are printed as personal remembrances.

Una Hynes

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