The RCMP met us at the wharf and interviewed us. I landed at 1:00 a.m. and didn't get home until 5:00 a.m. by the time I finished with the police. I was on the phone then with the press in New York and the Globe and Mail. There was a movie, "Welcome to Canada" and a person from that came and got a lot of information from us. It was on the front page of Maclean's magazine. There were so many people here for interviews, we can't remember them all. We were about a week interviewing with different people.


I was coming from Argentia to Colinet coming on dawn, and there was a mile strait on the road between Placentia and Colinet and when I came around one turn there was a car coming around the turn on the opposite end. I saw a really blue light at that distance, about 3" in the round. As the two cars came together, the light's circle got bigger and brighter. I still kept watch and when we got handy to each other – about 1/8 of a mile – the headlights on his car turned brand(1) and the circle of light got bigger and brighter. When we were passing each other, the light from the circle lit up the woods on each side of the road and there was a full-grown woman sitting on the bonnet of the car in her bare head. In those days, some cars had funnel-shaped headlights. Her hair was just to her shoulders and she wore a really blue dress. She was in her bare feet and the dress was hanging down and as we passed, she looked at me and smiled.

The bonnet of the car she was sitting on was bent up and she had her arm leaning in on the engine when she passed. The thought never struck me to turn around – that this wasn't right. The fellow who was driving the other car was lying on the seat looking up. I said, "I saw the Blessed Virgin". I told the police and the Bishop. I wasn't scared whatsoever. I wasn't drunk. She stayed around the car for awhile. It was just before daylight in the morning. I says the Blessed Virgin was protecting us from an accident.

I always pray to the Blessed Virgin since then. Whenever I'm in danger that night appears in my mind and protects me. One night, I was off St. Pierre bank with 30 knots of wind and she appeared and got the boat to safety.


1 Brand – meaning a reddish color like hot burning ashes

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