Myself and Pat Ezekiel and Francis Power, three of us went together to Argentia. Somebody come to take us out for a test. All I ever drove was a Model A Ford car – never in a pickup or truck in my life. I was only 17 or 18 then. Francis went with Ned Griffen. By and by this American fellow came over and said, "Come with me." I said to myself, "I'm finished" I got into the truck. He never said good night, good morning or nothing. I thought "I'm captured." When we come back, the dispatcher come on and said "What's that fellow like?" "Perfect" he said, By God, I could have reached over and kissed him.


We'd set out the vegetables – they might grow and they mightened grow. We'd bring in the cattle and put them on the aftergrass.(3) There was a pasture up behind and there were two or three people's cows up there. Someone said to me, "go up and turn down the cows". You can imagine an old cow now and she lying down up there all night. I prodded her with my foot and she rose her tail and the popper (cow poo) come out and struck me. Well, that was some picture. It was all wonderful while it lasted.


One time, Jack France (McDonald) came and we were all made up to go for a drive, and I was always hungry, see. I'd say to him, "b'y Jack I got to get something to eat". He'd say, "that's a waste of time." I said "drop me off and pick me up on the way back." He didn't ya know. Anyway, the next time he come, I said "Now I'll fool you." We had the shop, you know. I went out and filled my pockets full of bars and biscuits and every time I'd get a chance, I'd start eating. So I see him looking and looking and looking. Bye 'n bye he said "we'll soon have to eat." And I said, Ò"Jack, that's a waste of time, b'y". He never pulled that one on me no more after that.


There was an old fellow, Pat Murphy next to Alban Hearn's. My brothers Herbert and Bart and Paddy Murphy were all evil, you know. They went over one night and got at him, you know, in fun. He come out with the gun and fired off a shot. They let on someone was shot. They come down over the hill with a fellow on the handbar. They were some bad.


3 Aftergrass was the grass left on meadows after the hay was cut

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