In 1936 I married Bernard Ryan and moved to St. Joseph's and settled in our house. We had ten children – seven boys and three girls. I now have eighteen grandchildren and eleven great grandchildren. I still live in my own home with my son Jerry. I enjoy a game of cards and I do a lot of reading. I have a scrapbook in which I put all my newspaper articles in. I also visit my grandchildren.

The Joys of Getting Older
Submitted by: Beatrice Ryan

I have become a frivolous old gal
I'm seeing five gentlemen every day
As soon as I awaken, Will Power helps me out of bed
When he leaves, I go to see John
Then Charley Horse takes a lot of my attention
When he leaves, Arthur Ritis shows up and stays
The rest of the day
He doesn't like to stay in one place very long
So he takes me from joint to joint.
After such a busy day, I'm really tired
And get ready to go to bed with Ben Gay
What a day!

Author Unknown

photo of a school house
School I attended in Newbridge

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