Family Activity Calendar

  1. Glue each page on the calendar to card stock or cardboard.
  2. Glue a picture of your family to the first page
  3. You can laminate the first page by using packing tape
  4. With your family fill in:
    1. All the dates for the year
    2. All the special dates like birthdays and anniversaries for family members, extended family members, friends
    3. Look on another calendar for all the holidays and fill yours in accordingly
  5. Each month fill in the family literacy activities you are going to do. Pick dates for your activities and make sure you follow through. Some examples of activities are:
    1. Family games night
    2. Camping
    3. Out on the land activities
    4. Storytelling night
    5. Pizza night
    6. Charades
    7. Making books
    8. Making photo albums
    9. Cooking or baking together
    10. Playing softball or road hockey
    11. Special dinner nights
    12. No T.V nights
    13. Music night
    14. Singing and dancing
    15. Book club – everyone reads the same book and then you have a fun evening of discussion, food and laughter
    16. Discussion nights about different topics – communication, self-esteem, values, traditions etc
  6. Give your children responsibilities for your family literacy nights – for example they must read a certain book or prepare the snacks for the evening.
  7. Put your calendar up on the wall or fridge where everyone can see it!
  8. Laminate each month after you have filled in your monthly activities.