Family Activity Calendar
- Glue each page on the calendar to card stock or cardboard.
- Glue a picture of your family to the first page
- You can laminate the first page by using packing tape
- With your family fill in:
- All the dates for the year
- All the special dates like birthdays and anniversaries
for family members, extended family members, friends
- Look on another calendar for all the holidays and
fill yours in accordingly
- Each month fill in the family literacy activities you are going to
do. Pick dates for your activities and make sure you follow
through. Some examples of activities are:
- Family games night
- Camping
- Out on the land activities
- Storytelling night
- Pizza night
- Charades
- Making books
- Making photo albums
- Cooking or baking together
- Playing softball or road hockey
- Special dinner nights
- No T.V nights
- Music night
- Singing and dancing
- Book club – everyone reads the same book and
then you have a fun evening of discussion, food and
- Discussion nights about different topics –
communication, self-esteem, values, traditions etc
- Give your children responsibilities for your family literacy
nights – for example they must read a certain book or prepare
the snacks for the evening.
- Put your calendar up on the wall or fridge where everyone can see it!
- Laminate each month after you have filled in your monthly activities.