For the spine of a quick book you can use a straw, piece of wood, a twig, coffee
stirrer, Popsicle stick, or roll of paper.
- Fold blank 8 ½ X 11-inch paper to make the inside of the book.
- Make a cover out of construction paper and fold as you did for the inside of
the book.
can attach the cover in two different ways.
- Put the cover and pages together and
then use a paper clip to keep them
- Cut two notches out of the folded side of
the book.
- Thread a piece of ribbon, piece of yarn,
or an elastic band through the pages and
tie it around the stick or whatever you
have decided to use.
- Clip the pages
together and punch two holes along the folded edge.
- Push an elastic through
the holes and then thread
the straw through the
elastic. The straw will
be secured by the elastic