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NWT Literacy Council
How To Kit
B o o k   M a k i n g
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Steps to Organizing a Book Making Event in Your Community

graphic - students at bulletin boardPreparation

  • Find a space in your community to hold the event, such as the school, band office, library, or community hall.

  • Advertise your special event at least one week prior to the event. Put posters up around the community, advertise on the local radio station or green screen, and hand out invitations at the school. Tell everyone about it! Posters and invitations are included in this package.

  • Prepare yourself by ordering the supplies you will need to make the different books. Collect or make samples of homemade books for your participants to see. Copy the instructions for making the different books.

  • graphic - reporterYou can invite Elders to come to your book-making event and have them tell stories that the children can make books about.

  • Call the NWT Literacy Council if you would like help with your event. The NWT Literacy Council can provide free books for prizes, help with the organization of the event and provide training for facilitators.

  • Ask the local paper to come to your event and do a story about Family Literacy.

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