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NWT Literacy Council
How To Kit
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How Do People Decide Whom To Vote For?

The Brainstorm
How do people get their information about the candidates? Brainstorm a list of as many places you can think of where people get their political information.


The Interview
Talk to people in your community about where they get their information about candidates.

The Questions
As you are interviewing people, think about these questions. You will discuss them as a class after all the interviews have been completed.

  1. How do you think the source of information might affect the way people vote?

  2. What do you think is the most effective source of information for the candidates?

  3. What is the most useful source for the voters?

  4. Are you happy with the information you are getting from these sources? Do you think that the kinds of information available now will help you to make a well-informed choice?

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