Job Bank
Service Canada is the federal government department that helps Canadians prepare for, find and keep work. This government office posts Canadian jobs everyday.
How do I find what jobs are available in Nova Scotia?
- Go to
- Click English.
- Click Job Search.
- Click Nova Scotia.
- Find the words By Area.
- Beside By Area, click on All of Nova Scotia.
- You see the names of places in Nova Scotia. Click the place you want to work.
- Click Search.
- You see a list of jobs and salaries.
- To find more information about a job, click the name of a job.
- Click to see the complete list again.
- Find how many pages of jobs there are.
- If there are a lot of jobs, click Next to see more jobs.
How do I find what jobs are available in another province?
- Go to
- Click English.
- Click Job Search.
- You see the names of the provinces and territories in Canada.
- Click a province or a territory.
- Click Search.
- You see a list of jobs and salaries.
- To find more information about a job, click the name of a job.
- You see the name, location, salary, requirements, duties and contact information.
- Click to see the complete list again.
- Find how many pages of jobs there are.
- If there are a lot of jobs, click Next to see more jobs.