Job Bank

Service Canada is the federal government department that helps Canadians prepare for, find and keep work. This government office posts Canadian jobs everyday.

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How do I find what jobs are available in Nova Scotia?

  1. Go to
  2. Click English.
  3. Click Job Search.
  4. Click Nova Scotia.
  5. Find the words By Area.
  6. Beside By Area, click on All of Nova Scotia.
  7. You see the names of places in Nova Scotia. Click the place you want to work.
  8. Click Search.
  9. You see a list of jobs and salaries.
  10. To find more information about a job, click the name of a job.
  11. Click Back button to see the complete list again.
  12. Find how many pages of jobs there are.
  13. If there are a lot of jobs, click Next to see more jobs.

How do I find what jobs are available in another province?

  1. Go to
  2. Click English.
  3. Click Job Search.
  4. You see the names of the provinces and territories in Canada.
  5. Click a province or a territory.
  6. Click Search.
  7. You see a list of jobs and salaries.
  8. To find more information about a job, click the name of a job.
  9. You see the name, location, salary, requirements, duties and contact information.
  10. Click Back button to see the complete list again.
  11. Find how many pages of jobs there are.
  12. If there are a lot of jobs, click Next to see more jobs.