Find a Person
Find a Business
You can find a person's address in Canada.
How do I find a person's address?
- Go to
- Click Find a Person.
- Click in the box under First Name.
- Type first letter of the person's first name.
- Click in the box under Last Name.
- Type the person's last name.
- Click in the box under City or Postal/Area Code.
- Type the person's city, town, postal code or area code.
- Click in the box under Province.
- Click a province.
- Click
- Wait.
- The computer gives you a list of people with addresses and phone numbers.
How do I find a business address?
- Go to
- Click Find a Business.
- Click in the box under Keyword(s) or Business Name.
- Type the name of the business.
- Click in the box under Location.
- Type the city or town the business is in.
- Click Find.
- The computer gives you a list of businesses.