Find a Person
Find a Business

You can find a person's address in Canada.

double line
double line

How do I find a person's address?

  1. Go to
  2. Click Find a Person.
  3. Click in the box under First Name.
  4. Type first letter of the person's first name.
  5. Click in the box under Last Name.
  6. Type the person's last name.
  7. Click in the box under City or Postal/Area Code.
  8. Type the person's city, town, postal code or area code.
  9. Click in the box under Province.
  10. Click a province.
  11. Click Search button
  12. Wait.
  13. The computer gives you a list of people with addresses and phone numbers.

How do I find a business address?

  1. Go to
  2. Click Find a Business.
  3. Click in the box under Keyword(s) or Business Name.
  4. Type the name of the business.
  5. Click in the box under Location.
  6. Type the city or town the business is in.
  7. Click Find.
  8. The computer gives you a list of businesses.