
People often go to the same website many times. You can save website addresses in the Favorites file. If you save the address in the favorites file, you don't need to type the address each time. You can click the name of the website and go directly to it.

How do I save an address in Favorites?

  1. Type a website address in the Address box.  Internet Explorer address box
  2. Press Enter.
  3. Wait.
  4. When you see the web site on your computer, you are ready to add it to the Favorites file.
  5. Click  Add to Favorites button (green plus sign and yellow plus sign) .
  6. Click Add to Favorites…
  7. You see a box in the middle of the screen.
  8. Click Add.
  9. Click on Favorites  Favorites Centre button (yellow star - click to view favourites, feeds and history) .
  10. You see the name of the website in your Favorites list.