Find a Postal Code

You can find any postal code in Canada at the Canada Post Website.

double line
double line

How do I find a postal code?

  1. Go to
  2. Click English.
  3. On the left, click Find a Postal Code.
  4. You see this:
    Find a Postal Code box to fill in the following information for the search: Street Number, Number Suffix, Unit/Suite/Apt., Street Name Street Type, Street Direction, Municipality (City, Town, etc.), Province, Delivery Mode and PO box or Route Number
  5. Click in the box under Street Number.
  6. Type the street number.
  7. Click in the box under Street Name.
  8. Type the street name.
  9. Click in the box under Street Type.
  10. Type the type of street (example: Street, Road, Drive, Crescent).
  11. Click in the box under Municipality.
  12. Type the city name.
  13. Click in the box under Province.
  14. Click a province.
  15. Click  SUBMIT button .
  16. Wait.
  17. You see the postal code for the address you typed.