Currency Converter

You can see how much 100 Canadian dollars equals in your country's currency.

double line
double line

How can I convert money from my country into Canadian dollars to see how much it is worth?

  1. Go to
  2. You see this:
    Universal Currency Converter box containing a box to enter amount you would like to convert, (From this currency) drop down list of currencies and (To this currency) drop down list of currencies
  3. On the left side, find the word Convert.
  4. Click in the box under Convert and type the amount of money you want to change.
  5. Find the words From this currency.
  6. In the box under From this currency, scroll down to find the type of currency you have.
  7. Click the type of currency.
  8. Find the words To this currency.
  9. In the box under To this currency, scroll down to find the type of currency you want to change it into.
  10. Click the type of currency.
  11. Click  Go! button .
  12. You see the results:
    Universal Currency Converter Results box showing that 1.00 US dollar equals 1.11665 Canadian dollars