In talking as though we ([instructors] and policy-makers) know or can predict students’ everyday lives and maths problems, we risk being profoundly patronising. What is real, everyday or relevant, or has meaning, depends on things far more complicated than [we] can know. — Alison Tomlin in "Real Life in Everyday and Academic Maths" (2002)

Real Life Problems

The strategy, as Ginsburg and Gal (1996) put it, is to "situate problem-solving tasks within familiar, meaningful, realistic contexts in order to facilitate transfer of learning," and a glance at most workbooks or textbooks for math instruction shows how widely this principle is accepted.

Barriers to Using Real Life Problems

This seems so easy. What makes it hard to do? I will suggest some reasons and discuss each in turn.

Students Know, Teachers Don’t

As an instructor, I know I don’t understand some contexts that learners understand, and so I’m unwilling to work with or make up problems in these areas. I’m afraid I won’t be able to get the "right" answer, or that someone will ask me a question I can’t answer. I don’t trust my students who know about an area to be able to explain it to me or to other students who don’t know about it, so I like to be prepared with a back-up explanation. If the area is something that I am not familiar with, I feel lost and unwilling to take the risk. An example for me is sports statistics. I know there are acres of math in there somewhere—batting averages, win/loss ratios, salary caps, comparison of scoring records from former days with scoring stats from today, but it’s not my life, so I don’t feel comfortable working with it in math class.

For me to use this area of real life, I have to learn something new, maybe a lot of new things; if I decide to learn from my students, it’s going to be messy, with a lot of "not math" going on in the math class. Maybe I can learn some basics from a book or from a friend, outside of class, and then I’ll have to trust my students to help me through the hard parts. There’s that shared power structure again.